Ps. 113:7-8 He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; He seats them with princes, with the princes of their people.

Are you feeling much low esteemed among others? David was one of such persons. He was the least of his family. Even his father did not count him among his brothers for high profile Job.

David was a shepherd boy running behind sheep, But God raised him to be King of Israel, He was not only seated with princes, but he was seated as head of all the princes.

Today you may be not counted by your boss in the office, or you may be ignored by your family, or you may be rejected by your teacher, but that’s not end of the story. We have a God who raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from ash heap. Not only he will raise you from your dust, He will seat you with princes with the princes of your people.

I was also one of the ignored and rejected person in my childhood, but when I got saved and started dwelling in the word of God and in Christ, everything totally changed to opposite direction. In my studies God placed me to the top of the class folks. He gave me a respectful Job and blessed me in every affair of my life perfectly. Today I am in my manhood much respected among my family and they sometime tell me I am wise person. It’s all by God and his promise in Psalms 113:7-8.

Nothing is impossible to God. He can make the dumbest to the wisest, Failure to the Success, Sickness to Health, the poorest to the richest, Cursed to the Blessed.

Keep your heart straight before God, have a constant dwelling life in the word of God, believe in Jesus, trust him for your Life and every affair of it. He will raise you from your dust and lift you from ash heap. He will seat you with princes of your people.

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