Time to bring Judgment on the wicked

If we look around the world, many countries are facing a crisis for good governance and true Leaders. In the last few years, we could see it from the problems that were faced by Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, India, etc.

Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.”

My dear friends, we are not just a citizen of a country, but we are citizens and ambassadors of heaven too, we have the power to change the rulers. I am not talking about our voting rights or voicing, but I am talking about the Power of our Prayers.

We have the full right in our prayers to bring judgment over those who spoil and make wicked schemes over our country, schemes that hinder the gospel. In prayer, we must sincerely declare defeat to such parties and pray for wisdom and victories for common Parties, good leaders, and godly people. If we do so, the Lord will bring so.

Peace be upon you!

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