Does God speak to everyone?

When was the last time God spoke to you? Or Do you think, does God speak to people? For some people it is strange to know God speaking to People, and for some believers they think they never heard God’s voice.

But do you know God does speak to everyone!! Including the non-Christians. He speaks in some or another way. It is only we who do not recognize it as God speaking.

In Bible, Job 33:14 says, “For God does speak now one way, now another though man may not perceive it.”

To the Christian believer, if they read the bible regularly and intensely God will speak to them through verses. While reading the Bible, If you find some verse making sense to you and stops you to read it again and meditate it and if it is guiding your life, then that is God speaking to you.

To the one who is more closer to God, He speaks to them in polite voice in their heart and they will know very clearly that it is God leading them. In addition to what they hear from the Bible they get personal and specific guidance and direction from the Holy Spirit inside them.

What about the one who don’t know Jesus and not saved? God speaks to them also, through creations. The awesome wonderful creations they see, and the rain the receive, the sunlight they get, the oxygen they breathe are the communications of God to them that He exist and He is mighty and He holds everything, and there is a serious need for them to come to Him.

My friend, if you are a person who is not saved by the Love of God, come to Him, the awesome wonderful God, He is waiting for you with open arms like a father to save you from sin and troubles and give you eternal life. And you too can listen to His voice.

If You are a Christian, spend more intense time in the Bible, so that you can listen to God through bible.

The one who is closer to God get more intimate with Him to know His heart and will.

Peace be unto You!

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