Do u despise HIS Promise?

Israelites who had come out from Egypt had seen many miracles of God, they had seen river turning into blood, frogs and pests destroyed the Egyptian’s land, hail storms hitting, first born killing and much more. Though they had seen so many miracles in Egypt still the Israelites did not believed in God fully but murmured, complained and rebelled against him, how bad are these people, aren’t they?

Psalm 106:7 says, “When our fathers were in Egypt, they gave no thought to your miracles; they did not remember your many kindnesses, and they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea.”

But I believe we are not different from those Israelites. God has done many miracles in our life. Among God’s children almost 95% of them must have experienced God’s miracles in some or the other way. Some people are blessed miraculously with child, some are blessed with life partner when they thought it wouldn’t happen, some are miraculously healed, some are miraculously got turned from their poverty to prosperity, some are delivered from their addiction, some are transformed from fool guy to cool guy, etc and the much more.

But when there is a new need come in our life or when there is a new trial hits the life, how are we responding? Do we start murmuring and complaining or do we stand in faith by remembering all the miracles He has done in the past? If we do not remember His power and miracles of past but disbelieving then we are No different from those Israelites.

My friend, God is the same yesterday, today and forever, If he had done miracles and delivered you and blessed you in the past, He can do it today as well, He is the God almighty. Believe in Him with patience, stand still while waiting for Him, He will divide the red sea; He will hinder and fight the pharoh until you pass.

Peace be unto you.

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