…do not let your anger last until the sun goes down. And do not give the devil an opportunity [to lead you into sin by holding a grudge, or nurturing anger, or harboring resentment, or cultivating bitterness]. Ephes. 4:26,27 (Amp.)

There is no family in the world that is without disagreement in opinions, tiffs or some fights. At some point every couple come across some quarrels and disagreement. But, what do we do after that? Are you settling it immediately & pardoning? Are you asking for sorry (even though you are right) in order for the matter to not to continue? Bible says in Ep. 4:26 “…do not let your anger last until the sun goes down.” I believe this is the greatest secret for the peaceful marriage.

When there is quarrel or some fight & disagreement arises do not drag the matter till night or to next day, don’t post pone it for tomorrow to resolve. When you do that, you are giving opportunity to the devil to worsen the friction between you and your spouse and eventually it leads to bigger disputes. So, before you go to bed, settle the matter by asking sorry even though you are right or by pardoning or by somehow. So that you can hinder the growth of grudge and disputes in your marriage and you shall live in peace with your spouse. 

SECRET: Before the day finish and you go to bed, make you sure you resolved the dispute with your spouse and so enjoy a peaceful marriage for life. 

Peace Be unto You!


Life in Christ.

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