John 9:1-2 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?

There was a blind Man from birth, two kind of people are crossing by Him. One is Jesus, and others are his disciples. Both of them had different perspective about this blind man. The disciples were thinking there is a sin in him or his parents that’s why he was born blind. But on the other hand Jesus saw him compassionately in order to bring him out of his blindness and to make him as glory of God.

Today we may not come across some born blinds, but we come by many sick, troubled and wretched people. What is our opinion about them? Are we judging their condition by saying there is some sin in them or in their parents? OR are we compassionate and helping them to come out of their trouble and sickness, so that they will live for the glory of God.

Make sure you act like Jesus and help the people in their blindness, sickness and trouble, because they may be in that condition for the glory of God.

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