We are in Grace, is it necessary to practice righteousness and justice?

Ps. 33:5 The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.

The truth that man is made Justice freely by God’s grace can never be denied. We all are saved by His grace freely through his redemption (Rom 3:23,24). But that does not discount us from practice and live righteousness. Psalm 33:5 says, The LORD loves righteousness and justice. If we are not walking, behaving and not practicing righteousness and justice, it’s an unlovable act toward God.

If you want to please God, then live and practice righteous and justice, He loves that. Some believers have been deceived that, because they have grace, they don’t have to be and behave righteous. Be vigilant my friend, God will not like that at all. Remember He loved David, but He denied kingship from Saul, their behaviors have really affected their relationship with God.

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