Luke 11:27 As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd: called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.” (NIV)

Imagine if you were a close relative (Brother or Sister or Mother) to Jesus by kin, while he was on the earth, how much proud and blessed you would have felt? Mary should have been really a blessed woman to be called as mother of Jesus the son of God himself, isn’t it? Many women must have been jealous with Mary.

Once, there was a woman from the crowd while Jesus was preaching, had shouted “Blessed is your mother who gave you birth and nursed you”. Yes it’s true, Jesus should have agreed to that exclamation, but his reply was contrary. He replied (Lk. 11:28) “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

Such great value God gave his word. Mary who was called as highly favored by God (Lk.1:28) is not as much blessed than you who hear the Word of God and obey it. Today, we have lot of chances and sources to hear the word of God, and if we committed in hearing it and submit ourselves to obey it and walk by it, Jesus said, you are blessed than Mary his mother.

Spend time in reading, studying and hearing the word of God and obey it. God will make you a Blessed person.

Peace be unto you!

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