Race Horse

Have you watched Horse race before? I have watched them on TV. It is one of the exciting sports. What we see is only the sports, but before the horses are coming for the race they undergo lot of preparations.

Horse owners train the horses with exercises, they give massage to the horse, they replace the metal shoes on their hoofs, they wash the horses and make their body shining, they give proper food, and they take them to the race ground prior to race to make it familiar, etc.

All the horses are given the required preparations, but only one horse gets the victory of leading. And if any horse is not prepared well it will eventually lose the race and will be in the last position.

Proverbs 21:31 says, “A Horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory comes from the Lord.” (NIV, CSB)

In this world we are always on the race, for students they are racing for the exam, a Business man racing to run successful business, and working people racing to do a best performance and gets the best financial rewards and recognition, an evangelist race to get numerous souls, a pastor is racing to run the spirit filled purposeful church and people, a parent is racing to raise disciplined good children, etc.

However if any of the above person is not preparing well to achieve the desired goal, it is possible to lose, But if prepared well, God is going to give greatest victory to them.

Since the Lord is with you and for you and you are his child, He will make you the winning Horse if you are prepared well.

Peace be unto you!!

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