Love vs Boasting

I believe most of the believers of Christ has one fight within themselves always, that is self-boasting (Self-Pride). We know in our spirit that we shouldn’t boast ourselves. But sometimes we are tempted to do it.

Some wants to boast about their achievements, some wants to boast on their personality, some wants to boast on their background and Cast and family line, some wants to boast on their ministry, some wants to boast on their education and the list is many more.

But do you know, Bible says If we are boasting ourselves means we are not in love.

1 Corinthiann 13:4 says, “Love does not Boast”

It says, boasting ourselves means we do not love the people. The prime command of our master is to Love the Lord and love one another. Let God help us to realize this truth and give us His grace to keep ourselves away from self-boasting.

Peace be unto you!

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