For the coming of the Son of man will be just like the days of Noah. Mat. 24:37

The flood was unbelievable for the people who lived in Noah’s days. As Noah was building the ship to save his family, he was foretelling the coming wrath, yet no one believed in him. It seemed ridiculous for them. Even someone might have believed in his message could have worn out, because it was taking too long (about 120 years). So, they just carried on their businesses, marriages and family affairs without concern to save their life from flood.

Today, the world is in same situation. It seems ridiculous for the world to believe on Jesus 2ndcoming. Even some body including Christians believed in second coming are getting worn out because itstaking too long (2000+ years) to take place and the world seem to be in order and peace.So, they all are getting on their own businesses, marriages and all affairs without concern to save their life from coming wrath.

But it is as sure as Noah’s flood, Jesus coming back anytime sooner. When he comes, all who did not believe in the gospel and not repented will be forsaken, but those who believed in him will be taken up with him. Noah might have had the same feeling as we have now, ‘Is it really true flood coming (Jesus coming back)? it’s getting too long!! How long does it going to take?”. It was hard even for Noah to believe in the flood. But he, still built the ark to save his family and preached the gospel to the world as he was building it. And he saved his family. We should also be building our life and family in Christ to be qualified to go with Jesus and unceasingly preaching the gospel to the world to save them.

Peace Be unto You!


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