Tongue Diet

Around the world, many are following diets and exercise to keep their body healthy, and some are struggling to follow them regularly. Nevertheless, everybody wants to keep their body healthy and live long.

But something more important than a food diet is a tongue diet, which is controlling the words we speak. We must always be mindful of what we are speaking because the tongue has the power to make vain of our efforts.

You may do a lot of regular exercises and build a good stature, but if you often pronounce a negative comment about your health and life, like “Oh I feel like dying” or “ I may die soon as my family line history is so” “I will get diabetes because my father/mother has” “I am afraid that terrible disease will come to me” “No matter how much I try I will fail to lose fat”, etc.

James 3:6 says, “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.”

My dear friends, our tongue is like a fire, nobody plays with fire, because it will burn them. So do not play with your tongue, especially do not speak negative or depressing statements or facts about you or anyone. Thereby we shall escape a lot of health issues and life risks.

Let us follow a strict tongue diet.

Peace be upon you!

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