Sometime we all speak hastily or make clumsy replies. But it is admirable to see some people who never reply hastily, they think before they speak; they process the question and analyse their replies, then they speak, they do not take an hour to reply but they take few seconds. You shall see the serenity in their faces even in the midst of chaos. What a beautiful gift it is?!

Proverbs 16:13 says, “…kings love him who speaks what is right.

In Tamil Bible the translation understood as “kings love him who speak patiently or not hastily”

When Joseph was put before King Pharaoh for the first time, he was not hasty or tensed in replying regarding the King’s dream, but he was speaking patiently and wisely which pleased the Pharaoh, and he replied to all that “…“Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?… there is no one so discerning and wise as you.” (Gen. 41:38,39)

My dear friends, it is wisdom to speak or answer with well thinking, I pray that the Lord will bless us with this wisdom of not speaking hastily, but patiently. Because such ways of speaking will open doors of oppurtunities from kings.

Peace be upon you!

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