How much weight can you lift?
When we come from shopping we give some light weight bag to our son Joshua to carry. We make sure he is able to lift that weight. But we do not give him any heavy weight bag.
For some people living a Christian life means, like lifting a heavy burden. But that is not true. Living a Christian life is actually a blessing. It leads to a peace filled life and ultimately it leads to eternal life. Yes it is narrow and congesting path, but God has designed it in a way that, It is possible to live.
Jesus said “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Mathew 11:29, 30)
Let us choose to lift some light weight yoke rather than not lifting anything and let us choose to walk in the narrow path to reach the broad eternal life rather than temporary easiness and ending up at crushing hell.
Peace be unto You!!